Today, after finishing the tedious INFA test, Benson, Ray, Kevin , Zhihui and me headed down to Amk hub to have our lunch. During the journey in the bus, ray was bickering with benson, I really can't stand them. They quarrelled from NP bus stop, all the way to AMKhub, and still continued on, whole journey took 1h plus. -.- After finishing our lunch, we headed down to Compass point, because ray wanted to cut BANGS for no apparent reason(The above picture is the result of the haircut). I admit that he is rich, spent 30 bucks for a BANGS. :O After Ray finished cutting his hair, we all teased and laughed at him(The main motive of us following him to SUPERCUTS is because we wanted to destress after the INFA test) Actually wanted to dye at SUPERCUTS, but it was really damn expensive, so in the end, Benson brought us to SNIP AVENUE at hougang to have our hair dyed. Once we board and climbed up to the second deck, all our handphones were already out and we snapped alot pictures of Ray with his kuku hair. HAHAHA. Ray dyed ash brown, and I dyed scarlet red. I don't know if their dye sucks, or if my hair is thick,because the whole dyeing process took me 2h. __ Zhihui and Benson went off first, followed by Ray and Kevin. After that, I met up with Jacob, and accompanied him to rebond his hair at serangoon. Had our dinner outside the saloon, and Jacob was acting cute, he walked around with the Rebond Cream still on his hair. -.- Cant stand him. Huihang called Jacob and asked him if we wanted to join them as they were around that area, but due to time constraint, we turned them down. So in the end, Jacob and I went home, each with our own satisfied looks. :D
Everyone has a two-sided personality. And that includes you.