Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The girls.

Surrounded by two ladies. Ahah.

Brothers PBT !

My clique is ♥ -ed.
Well, people. Got the pictures from Iris's blog. Well, finally got my clique picture, but sadly to say. there are still alot of missing heads. ): Irfan, his gf, Aeron, his gf, Fernandez, Ahzhou, Kheeliang. How I wished there a one day that ill have everybody inside. [:
Sunday, September 28, 2008

That's the ice cream.

That's the picca we took.

I cant figure out what the heck Im doing.

Cheerlios. [:

Mr cutie pie.
More will be uploaded soon guys. [:
Been really busy this september, 'cause O's was just ahead, and the anxiety was evident in the air for all the sec 4 taking it this year. Let's talk about what happened during the weekends, early morning on friday. I went to school and immediately I received a present from Tracy & co, a very thankyou to you all man! When school's going to end, received another one from Jiajia & co, they bought me a very pratical stuff all right; Cigarette box & a zippo. -.- But it's okay, I like it very much , another big thankyou to you all. After that had to attend the graduation ceremony and bla, and headed down to sk after that. Met up with Kl, Aeron , Zhenyan, Jennifer, Jacob & a guy. I decided to plan about my birthday celebration, but sad-ly, some can't make it, and some said they only can go out from afternoon to evening, so my reaction was alittle bit sad. ): Then I told them, " Why all our brothers celebration do not have everybody present one?" Then Jen was like,"Ya ya, sad hor?" )': But, it's all right, so long I get to meet everybody. The schedule was as followed, met up with Aeron and brothers in the morning, then met up with Eileen & Co around 1130am, after that meeting Iris & co at 2pm, followed by the rest at noon. I was thinking, what a good day. Took my birthday cake from my pretty cousin and chatt-ed with Jacob around 1030pm before we went home. Next morning, woke up at 9am, met up with KL, Aeron, Fernandez, Zhou and went Jalan Kayu. We talked, laughed there, then something cropped up [ Shan't elaborate ]. Sms-ed Eileen and told her I'll be late. But luckily, it ended smoothly, so I head-ed down to compass, and met up with Eileen, Sarah, Wanzhen, Zhenyu & Ruyi and Kianwei. But kianwei ps-ed me halfway. ): The rest wanted to treat me to Swensen but I declined them. I told them Justin is still living on, no need make such a big fuss. But still they treat me to an extremely large ice cream and sang me a b'day song. Soooo touched man. I love you all lah ! Haha. Went arcade, then after a while, took some shots with them [ Will upload it soon], and bid them g'bye. Ran like some idiot down to bp , 'cause Jen told me they were rushing to somewhere else after meeting me , and the weather was like eff-ing hot. Reach-ed there, saw familiar faces at the opposite void deck, but didnt care less. Saw Jen, Iris, Linting & Marcus, then all of a sudden, all my brothers appeared from behind, with Jeffrey holding the cake. Aeron, Kheeliang, Fernandez, Ahzhou, Jacob, Jeffrey, Edmund, Kianwei, Sabrina, Iris & co , clarice, roger and shirley was there too. Irfan & his girlf cant make it due to fasting month,but I thank them for their wishes. Zhengli & his girlf went to celebrate their anniversary too, but they too send me their wishes before hand. Suffice to say, I was so the touch-eddd, and Iris & Co made me a big, nice and wonderful birthday card. This was the second wonderful birthday celebration I had in 2007 & 2008. Headed down to Vivo with them and watch-ed " Painted Skin". a movie originated from LIAOZHAI. With Zhouxun as the leading actress, some of them complained the movie was boring, but I found it rather touching. I gave it a 3/5 rating. After that, slack-ed and I was sabotaged again. They threw me into the FOUNTAIN FOR GOODNESS SAKE ! But, it's okay, who asked me to be the b'day boy.
Special thanks to : Aeron, Kl, Ahzhou, Irfan, Fernandez, Jacob, Zhengli, Jeffrey, Edmund, Kianwei, Iris, Jennifer, Linting, Marcus & Sabrina. Thanks for those who wished me on time too : Jiayan, Jiehan, Francesca, Jessica, Eileen, Sarah, Jiajie, Desmond, Yujuan, Tracy, Hweeping, Soonboon, Vivien, Wanzhen, Zhengli, Melissa Mak, Melissa, Ruyi, Shermine, Fiona, Dawn, Huiling, Kianyong, Felicia, Junjie, Joeylyn, Shiying, Zhenyu and lastly big thanks to my ganstead who remember-ed my b'day though we drifted so far. And also the rest who wished me one way or another. Thankyou very much peoples for the gifts and cards. And not forgetting my lovely cousin, Kelly T. [: Shall upload the photos soon guys. weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sorry peeps, so long since I blogged. Yes, it's due to prelims everyone. This year's prelim is so tedious, ohmy, I guess I'm gonna flunk it. After my biology Paper 1 on friday, went down to canteen to pass Jessica some Oral stuffs and a dictionary which I have no use alr, dn Jacob came down to canteen and meet me. Chatted with Jake, Jiayan, Finn, then ahwhile more, me and Jacob went off. Called Kheeliang, dn Clarice joined us after that. Didnt quite had a hearty laugh so long before, hahah. Slack-ed halfway, ky and his friend joined us, around 7plus, after ky & co and Clarice went home. Jacob & I bus-ed down to cp to find Jeffrey & co. Slack at sk ard 10plus then all of us went home. Woke up at 930am on saturday, then look at my handphone, battery left few bars but didnt have time to charge it, so forget it. Head down to hg's gym and met kianwei there, then pass my mei her pressie and she went off. [: After gym, we went to eat then all go back home. Ard 1plus, met up with Dawn and her friend, they really look so alike, gosh. Haha. Then they wanted to go cp, but kl dont want, so brought them to bus stop. Kl and me slacked at sk ard 5plus, Aeron joined us. Then both of them didnt want to go bugis, so I mrt-ed down alone to meet Zhengli, Huilin, Jacob, Jeff & Kianwei. Bought one short tgt with kianwei, rather nice short at flexor. Went to eat after that, then halfway, Jeff's friends whom we met ytd joined us. After eating, bus-ed down to sk, and slacked there, dn halfway Zhengli went home first. Yeah, and I guess I can memorise their names by hard alr, 2 girls one boy, Clarice, Sheryl, Xiaokong. Slacked at rp at around 4am, then Jeff and his co wanted to go hg plaza, but we declined it. So we went BP slacked instead, joke-d and crap-ed until 530am, their first bus, so home sweet home.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again to Dawn, Jiajie. And thanks for the cake mei, its yummy. [: NOTE: This post is quite a boring one, but please don't expect anything interesting from a guy who is half-awake to write it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The girls.

Surrounded by two ladies. Ahah.

Brothers PBT !

My clique is ♥ -ed.
Well, people. Got the pictures from Iris's blog. Well, finally got my clique picture, but sadly to say. there are still alot of missing heads. ): Irfan, his gf, Aeron, his gf, Fernandez, Ahzhou, Kheeliang. How I wished there a one day that ill have everybody inside. [:
Sunday, September 28, 2008

That's the ice cream.

That's the picca we took.

I cant figure out what the heck Im doing.

Cheerlios. [:

Mr cutie pie.
More will be uploaded soon guys. [:
Been really busy this september, 'cause O's was just ahead, and the anxiety was evident in the air for all the sec 4 taking it this year. Let's talk about what happened during the weekends, early morning on friday. I went to school and immediately I received a present from Tracy & co, a very thankyou to you all man! When school's going to end, received another one from Jiajia & co, they bought me a very pratical stuff all right; Cigarette box & a zippo. -.- But it's okay, I like it very much , another big thankyou to you all. After that had to attend the graduation ceremony and bla, and headed down to sk after that. Met up with Kl, Aeron , Zhenyan, Jennifer, Jacob & a guy. I decided to plan about my birthday celebration, but sad-ly, some can't make it, and some said they only can go out from afternoon to evening, so my reaction was alittle bit sad. ): Then I told them, " Why all our brothers celebration do not have everybody present one?" Then Jen was like,"Ya ya, sad hor?" )': But, it's all right, so long I get to meet everybody. The schedule was as followed, met up with Aeron and brothers in the morning, then met up with Eileen & Co around 1130am, after that meeting Iris & co at 2pm, followed by the rest at noon. I was thinking, what a good day. Took my birthday cake from my pretty cousin and chatt-ed with Jacob around 1030pm before we went home. Next morning, woke up at 9am, met up with KL, Aeron, Fernandez, Zhou and went Jalan Kayu. We talked, laughed there, then something cropped up [ Shan't elaborate ]. Sms-ed Eileen and told her I'll be late. But luckily, it ended smoothly, so I head-ed down to compass, and met up with Eileen, Sarah, Wanzhen, Zhenyu & Ruyi and Kianwei. But kianwei ps-ed me halfway. ): The rest wanted to treat me to Swensen but I declined them. I told them Justin is still living on, no need make such a big fuss. But still they treat me to an extremely large ice cream and sang me a b'day song. Soooo touched man. I love you all lah ! Haha. Went arcade, then after a while, took some shots with them [ Will upload it soon], and bid them g'bye. Ran like some idiot down to bp , 'cause Jen told me they were rushing to somewhere else after meeting me , and the weather was like eff-ing hot. Reach-ed there, saw familiar faces at the opposite void deck, but didnt care less. Saw Jen, Iris, Linting & Marcus, then all of a sudden, all my brothers appeared from behind, with Jeffrey holding the cake. Aeron, Kheeliang, Fernandez, Ahzhou, Jacob, Jeffrey, Edmund, Kianwei, Sabrina, Iris & co , clarice, roger and shirley was there too. Irfan & his girlf cant make it due to fasting month,but I thank them for their wishes. Zhengli & his girlf went to celebrate their anniversary too, but they too send me their wishes before hand. Suffice to say, I was so the touch-eddd, and Iris & Co made me a big, nice and wonderful birthday card. This was the second wonderful birthday celebration I had in 2007 & 2008. Headed down to Vivo with them and watch-ed " Painted Skin". a movie originated from LIAOZHAI. With Zhouxun as the leading actress, some of them complained the movie was boring, but I found it rather touching. I gave it a 3/5 rating. After that, slack-ed and I was sabotaged again. They threw me into the FOUNTAIN FOR GOODNESS SAKE ! But, it's okay, who asked me to be the b'day boy.
Special thanks to : Aeron, Kl, Ahzhou, Irfan, Fernandez, Jacob, Zhengli, Jeffrey, Edmund, Kianwei, Iris, Jennifer, Linting, Marcus & Sabrina. Thanks for those who wished me on time too : Jiayan, Jiehan, Francesca, Jessica, Eileen, Sarah, Jiajie, Desmond, Yujuan, Tracy, Hweeping, Soonboon, Vivien, Wanzhen, Zhengli, Melissa Mak, Melissa, Ruyi, Shermine, Fiona, Dawn, Huiling, Kianyong, Felicia, Junjie, Joeylyn, Shiying, Zhenyu and lastly big thanks to my ganstead who remember-ed my b'day though we drifted so far. And also the rest who wished me one way or another. Thankyou very much peoples for the gifts and cards. And not forgetting my lovely cousin, Kelly T. [: Shall upload the photos soon guys. weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sorry peeps, so long since I blogged. Yes, it's due to prelims everyone. This year's prelim is so tedious, ohmy, I guess I'm gonna flunk it. After my biology Paper 1 on friday, went down to canteen to pass Jessica some Oral stuffs and a dictionary which I have no use alr, dn Jacob came down to canteen and meet me. Chatted with Jake, Jiayan, Finn, then ahwhile more, me and Jacob went off. Called Kheeliang, dn Clarice joined us after that. Didnt quite had a hearty laugh so long before, hahah. Slack-ed halfway, ky and his friend joined us, around 7plus, after ky & co and Clarice went home. Jacob & I bus-ed down to cp to find Jeffrey & co. Slack at sk ard 10plus then all of us went home. Woke up at 930am on saturday, then look at my handphone, battery left few bars but didnt have time to charge it, so forget it. Head down to hg's gym and met kianwei there, then pass my mei her pressie and she went off. [: After gym, we went to eat then all go back home. Ard 1plus, met up with Dawn and her friend, they really look so alike, gosh. Haha. Then they wanted to go cp, but kl dont want, so brought them to bus stop. Kl and me slacked at sk ard 5plus, Aeron joined us. Then both of them didnt want to go bugis, so I mrt-ed down alone to meet Zhengli, Huilin, Jacob, Jeff & Kianwei. Bought one short tgt with kianwei, rather nice short at flexor. Went to eat after that, then halfway, Jeff's friends whom we met ytd joined us. After eating, bus-ed down to sk, and slacked there, dn halfway Zhengli went home first. Yeah, and I guess I can memorise their names by hard alr, 2 girls one boy, Clarice, Sheryl, Xiaokong. Slacked at rp at around 4am, then Jeff and his co wanted to go hg plaza, but we declined it. So we went BP slacked instead, joke-d and crap-ed until 530am, their first bus, so home sweet home.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again to Dawn, Jiajie. And thanks for the cake mei, its yummy. [: NOTE: This post is quite a boring one, but please don't expect anything interesting from a guy who is half-awake to write it.