Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sorry peepos, so long since I blogged, caused school reopened alr, weekdays are very busy for me, I don't even have the time to take a breather. Friday after school ends, met up with Jacob dn we head-ed down t my hse to change. Dn in the bus, saw two step beng kia, in bus boom their farking music. I told Jacob we alight we diao them, see they ehsai not. Dn we alighted, Jacob diao them, they didnt saw him, I jitao knock on th bus window call them diam, Jacob pointed __ , one of th guy also point back. EHSAI siah, dont let me see them again. If not, hoho. Dn after that, met up with Aeron, kheeliang, kianyong, zhengli and slack-ed at bp. Dn saw xiaoderrick that bunch, talk-ed, crap-ed, and after that all went home. Woke up at 10am on saturday to go for tht CIP thing, what drug-free and smoke-free society, so contradicting. Dn met up with Marcus, Zhengli, pamela, all those and walked there. View the exhibits until 3pm, man, there was a bunch of CHIJ girls, all damn chio, actually wanted to take number, but my friends saw better not, cause its in the view of everyone there, dont make Bowen xiasway. ): Too bad. Went Selegie to eat tangyuan dn headed down to pool with daniel and benji. Pool-ed for awhile and waited for Jeff to meet me, dn head-ed back t sk t get myself change, dn halfway, dad returned, its spell trouble alr. It did not exceed far from my anticipation, my dad told me that I can only go out after he went out. WTF? Sorry to Jiajie and her friends, very sorry uh. Luckily my brothers dont go home that early, so went cp to find Jeff and Aeron, dn went to scrupture park to look for fran and her 3friends, slack-ed and talk-ed. Dn Sancai and yuhong and Siti joined us, and Jeff was happily playing with the girls until police came and spotcheck. -.- Neighbours complained I think, farking asshole siah. So we shifted place, and went t future park that playground dn 4 more joined us, edmund, one army guy, pui john and another of their friends. So played with the playground crap-ed, chatted and played till 6am plus dn all went home.
I'm sorry if I had hurt you, you know sometimes, such things cant be forced. The someone you like may not reciprocate back t you, and the someone that likes you may not get yours too. I'm quite confused over such things too. Right now, I think my role is to focus on my studies and quit thinking about all those stuffs. Maybe, I'm still in search for that special someone. Someday, I'm sure that someone would appear in my life. But, Im glad I have those bunch of brothers beside me, and for that, I'm truly contented. Ill cherish them no matter what.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

See th idiot pointing th middle finger? Spoilt my image. Wtf.

Illegal gambling. Children shldnt try this ok. [:

Expo Road show.

My company is SONY. [:

Ok, I sucks, he more handsome. X:
Well, I got no mood to post people, after hols alr, time to settle down on schoolworks. Pictures time, please enjoy evryone. Chinese O level in 2 more days, Good luck evryone. [:
weSIXhaveourownSTYLES. Justin.
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yes, its MESSY. [:

Messy gang
Bodyguards? Lol.
Hey people, so long since I blogged, did cha miss me? My hp is spoilt, anyone going to buy me a new one? ): Lets talk abt past few days, starting from Monday shall we? Met up with Iris & co and Irfan,fernandez and Ahzhou at Kovan. Dn went pool-ed,after that zhenyan met up with us and treat us t NEW YORK,thanks for the treat man. Evryone was happy I guess. Haha. 10 people altgt if not wrong, 7 left after pooling,and 3 more joined us. After that,went sk slacked,dn zhenyan went off 1st, followed by linting and her gf. After that, we decided to ton,called fran-cess-ka, the new girl I met on net, she was steady all right, and cute. So Aeron,Jen,Me and Fran met up at compass, dn went scrupture slacked. After that went bp t continue slacking, sehgor, alot things happen,and Fran was friendly uh. Haha. SO tueday, too tired to do anything, slept the whole day, mind you, WHOLE DAY. -.- So tdy is wednesday, or rather thursday. Met up with Aeron and kl at bp dn headed down t douby,went cineleisure straight and waited for Jeff there, Aeron got some tickets for free sponsored by sony,and me and Jeff was from Samsung, spies, haha. Played maple today out of boredoom and got a gf, she was cute, but its just a GAME. Dn got a girl's number, another cute one, tell me this aint true. MWHAHAHA. After movie, took some pics with Jeff and Aeron dn head down t 246, saw Joelson and YHH tht bunch, dn went 246 find Edmund and Jeff. And I know 2 girls today, one I know myself, another one is Fran introduced to me, thanks girl! Went home with Aeron and kl after tht, dn slacked with Aeron, talk abt some stuffs. Tmr meeting up with Jacob, hmm. Dn friday going out with Fernandez and co. Busy week I had dont I? Sorry to some if I have ignored, Hp spoilt, msn error, argh. My new piercing is damn pain, I gna have a new one at my ear. Ohwell people, its a long post. Enjoy it ? Thanks iris for helping me out.
Purple is my fav colour, remember it. School gonna reopen, Ill really focus when it reopens, trust me. Endure thy immense pain, thy god is with thee. Amen.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Been quite busy this few days,going to gym and working.Went Suntec Convention hall yesterday to set up the booth,and we were in charge of Samsumg.Reached there,saw the hall,it was really HUGE.One good thing about this work was,the place was air-conditioned.Quite alot of helpers there,let me name them out,Jeffrey,Edmund,Jerry,George,Joelson,Kopi,AhHuat and 2 more guy.Start work at 1pm,shifted all the tables,set th plasma tv-s on the tables,connect the wirings and etc,its a tough job,but I guess the pay was worth it.And this Sunday we are going there again to remove all those we had set up,&^#&$(#&*.Went t gym with Fernandez today,went YCK there,it's somewhat better than HG one.Gym-ed,dn Fernandez and me were like quarreling where should we go,argued for 15mins dn decided to go sk,so bus-ed down and went rp to eat.Bought cig after that,dn went bp to slack-ed,rot.And Fernandez captivated me with all those Jamming stuffs and whatsoever,it sounds fun,really pigues my curiousity.Acc-ed him t th busstop t wait for bus,dn I went home.Tmr will be slacking with fernandez and co. And I didnt meet my Ganstd for so long alr,kinda miss her. ):
Please,I'm tired of all these nonsense,give me a breather won't you?Wait till you define the words "Love" and "Like" then I guess you will understand me.Until now,finally I understood both the meaning,I guess you will someday. (: And I'm so pissed off by somebody's attitude,tit for tat,you will get from me someday,I promised you.nbcb.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Vodka & Breezer. Sorry peepos,been busy this few days,so don't have time to blog.Woke up at 7am tdy,dn went t school for 3h of Amaths,just imagine,3h of Amaths,argh.After tht went home changed,thought of going gym,dn lazy,so forget it,make it tmr.Ard 9pm +,Edmund pm-ed me asked me if I want t ton,dn I told him,only at sengkang area,dn I called Aeron down also.Met aeron at 1130+ pm,dn we slack-ed,chatted,dn went t buy cigs.And also Vodka and breezer,ok,this pic was boring,but we were bored.I found out tht,sengkang ard midnight still gt pretty girls walking ard,oh such a good place t be in manzxz.After Edmund finish his work,dn cab-ed down t find us,we help-ed him kup his taxi fare abit,dn slack-ed till 2am+ went Macdonald t have our supper.Slacked till 4am+,Aeron feigned stomachache,dn went home 1st,left me and Edmund.We talk-ed cock,crap-ed and do all sorts of Alibaba stuffs until 6am,pei him wait cab,dn went home myself.First time Edmund come down sk ton sia,rmb this day ok.Anw,thanks for all th tags and my loyal reader.I love you allll.And for now,evrything is going smoothly,just th right pace.Andand,O level is nearing too. (:
Friday, June 6, 2008
Kelvin's bday.Happy b'day dude.
They sure are enjoying th stuffs (:
Just see th food,its so much.
E1 & E2 peeps. (:
Gambling is illegal ok.Hey peepos,I'm very th high tdy.Woke up at 8+am,dn saw few msges,gt one for peggy,say wht APPLE IS PREGNANT,just imagine it,EARLY IN THE MORNING,replied hers dn chatted in msn.And today really rains,THANKYOU LA PEGGY. -.- Bus-ed down t Zx's hse tgt w Zy,dn waited for th bloody zx t finish his GE,dn waited for marcus after tht went down t Jiajia's hse at 11am+,I know we were late,so sorry. X: Met up with th rest at Bowen backgate busstop,11+ pple tgt.Bus-ed down t East Coast t have our picnic (: Reach-ed there found a suitable spot and set our mat,lay our th foods & drinks.Our drinks were little,but th sandwiches were like HUGEEE.Ahah,thanks t me.Some went cycling,dn left a few of us played daidi and ate th snacks.Th beach was nice,th scenery,breeze,argh,WONDERFUL (: Dn took Jiajia's dad car and went back my hse,thankyou JIAJIA.Went home bath-ed dn call-ed Aeron dn we joined Iris & co at rp mac there.Its kelvin's b'day,happy 13th bday dude.Bought th cake,dn went Jen's hse t "celebrate",we had an bday cake fiesta-THROW CAKES. -.- And Jen and Kelvin are th first 2 victim,dn I saw Iris's face I knew she was up t no good,she suddenly WHOOP,kena my shirt,dn WHOOP agn,kena my pants.ARSEHOLEEEEEEEEEE,its okay,I took my revenge.Had 30mins of cake fiesta after Iris left,dn hiong sia them,poor Jen,cake's cream all over.As for me,no good either.Argh,dn went Jen's hse t wash up,after tht went bp.Saw uncle from far,dn chatted with him abt paikia stuffs dn went home.I'm blogging as usual,and SPECIAL THANKS TO YONGLOONG FOR BEING MY LOYAL READER,WOO.Thanks t those who helped out in today picnic,arigato ok.And to Iris,cheer up allright,look on th BRIGHT SIDE and you will see a better path (: Will be fetching Jacob tmr,hope he comes back in One piece.Gnight peepos,and yes,enjoy th pics,you don't get t see them evryday. (:
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Argh,my phone bill burst like fcuk alr,peepos,if you wna find me,dont msg me alr.Tdy slept till 12pm,com-ed and watch-ed anime for 3h+,dn Jiajia called me,caused we organising a picnic.Dn We both damn busy,called alot of people t confirm this and tht,at last 13pple was confirmed,maybe more was coming,I dk.Dn meet Jiajia and Xinyi 6pm at bowen front gate busstop,mind you its BUSSTOP,and they waited for me at frontgate. -.- I was stupidly standing there for 15mins,dn Jiajia called,"Where you?" -.- Saw Girl guides when I walked along th pathway to frontgate,tdy campfire for Uniform grps,saw Pamela at th foyer,dn she was like waving so vigorously,lmao.Good luck t th guides for their campfire yea?Went shengsong supermarket t get our stuffs and etc,dn halfway Owen joined us,we crap-ed and joke-d,lol.And who say nerds dont go out,I DO OK!! (: Tmr picnic at eastcoast,called zhenyu and zhexing t help me with those stuffs,heavy man,tmr will be going Jiajia's hse t prepare those sandwiches,I'm excited,and pls be careful if Im preparing them,YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT I GNA PUT INSIDE,dead cockroaches maybe? (: Went home com-ed and watch-ed my anime,dn chatted with ******. C: Jacob will be back in 2 more days,and Fernandez is back tdy.I missed them man,and maybe will be meeting Debra t go shopping nextnext wk,she was so th HIGH. -.- And t xinhan,I'm Justin,not Justin-E or Justin NO E.Maybe will b going t Iris's class chalet on 17june or wht.And t zhenyan,I'm nt staying overnight,PLEASE!
Hey peepos,tdy sms-ed Iris they all,actually wanted go running,but th sky turned black,so sms-ed her bck tell her cancel,dn she told me at rp mac.After tht,th weather was good again,DUH.But then I lazy so asked them t slack instead,went home,bath-ed&chang-ed dn went bp slack with them.Jen,Iris,Zhenyan&co. came,dn Iris was so retarded,keep making IDIOT Jokes,Well,I told you,they were a cute bunch,and I also cnt help but laugh.ESP WHEN I LOOKED AT JENNIFER,lol.Joked and laugh-ed with them,dn halfway pester Aeron t buy cigs for us,and th idiot MARIA,ask her dont smoke still smoke.Beyond cure alr,dn slack-ed and laugh-ed with them,Edmund called me,ask-ed me go down vivo see cais,of course I AGREED.I called Jeff and he said he come find us after work,big Gbye t Iris & co. dn went home chang-ed.Bus-ed and mrt-ed down t vivo,dn went outside meet them.Vivo damn cold,got alot of cais siaa,OHGOSH,dn along th way,we joked alot sia,damn funny.And Jeff,edmund,Kianwei & me did smth very wrong,I shant say,heheheh.Went skypark after tht t smoke and talk-ed awhile,th scenery damn nice,but cant manage to take their pics,argh.Tdy morning hp v busy,till noon dn settle down,at night alot of msg-es came in also,busy replying.And Edmund,dont say wht,I finally intro you one girl alr ok.Be glad.Tell me,am I really falling for you,I hope not.HAHAHAHA.Like wht yl said,I gna PUMP IT UP MY MUSCLE!! :DweSIXhaveourownSTYLES.
Justin.It starts again.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I pon physics tdy,cause its damn sian.Dn went home bath-ed,took my stuffs,pester Aeron and kl t help me buy cig,kup tgt,AND I SUCEEDED,hehheh.Dn about 1pm+,I bus-ed down t gym,dn saw rick there,woot,he also gt come gym one.Enthu 2h gym,until my muscles start t complain,dn halfway Iris they all at outside,ask-ed them come in,all wear slippers,wtf. -.- Iris bunch gt,Iris and Jennifer,Zhenyan,Jennifer's brother and one girl.They said they want go swimming,so I told them I'll meet them there ltr.Inside th swimming pool,damn hot la,see th xiaochabors swim under such HOT WEATHER,siao.Dn I told jennifer,cnt run can swim huh?ZAI LA!Wait-ed for them t ballet finish in th swimming pool,dn went selegie soya bean shop t eat TANGYUAN,after tht went pool to pool,obvious?Slack-ed,went arcade see Iris and Jennifer dance th ParaPara,yawns,damn bored.After tht,went home,tmr gna exercise again,I KNOW IM MAD,but if I set my sight on smth,I'll gna do it.And 4more days before Jacob returns,and we gna fetch himm from t3.HAHAHAH,that's all peepos,Iris tht bunch were a fun one,but I still miss my bros,most of my bros if nt overseas jiu busy with exams,sian.One day,all our bros will gather up again,WOOOOOO.Pls tell me I'm maddd,and ohyes,IMMMMMMMM.Muscles~ Muscles,I want themmmmm. :DweSIXhaveourownSTYLES.Justin.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Ytd sleep damn long,dk why damn tired,dn Jeff called me ard 6pm+,asked me t go down Compass acc him walkwalk with Joelson,dn I bath-ed,chang-ed and walked down t compass,met him at 7eleven,dn we walk-ed.Compass damn cold,dn we went outside sit,dn sitsit awhile,saw 2 police officers keep looking at us,dn Jeff said,"Confirm tio check one." Dn we orh,take out IC,zhunbei,so fun manzxzx.True enough,they came and one of th police officers asked my bro,"Why you all sit here?" Dn I was like,"Here got put cnt sit eh? -.- " Dn my bro said,"Too cold ah sir,buay tahan,lydat also ai screen?" Dn th officer said,"No choice eh,doing our job." Screen finish,they looked at us and gave us a SMIRK,ninabei! Dn joelson asked th officers when they were going t walk away,"Sir,why screen us ah,there's still alot of grps elsewhre wht?" Th reply was,"Cause you 3 very suspicious." Ok wtf reason is that,do I looked suspicious at all?Man I look like a nerd all right, -.- Slack-ed and walked ard compass,dn about 830 I went home.Went home,com-ed awhile,chatt-ed online,dn went t zZz.This morning woke up,no strength at all,damn tired.Went t school,study as per normal,blahblah through, dn bell ring,I was so th EXCITED.Went t hg point with e1 peeps to have ROTI PRATA,I kept refilling th curry,deliciousss manzxzxz.Bon Voyage Jacob,pls come back in ONE PIECE ok,we will be fetching you on 7th JUNE.And for Jiajie,call me if there's anything.AND,I haven met alot of my Online friends,and brothers,Gans & Sisters.Really alot siaa,I miss themmmm.Last of all,thankyou DEBRA for "Tagging" in my blog yea? -.-weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sorry peepos, so long since I blogged, caused school reopened alr, weekdays are very busy for me, I don't even have the time to take a breather. Friday after school ends, met up with Jacob dn we head-ed down t my hse to change. Dn in the bus, saw two step beng kia, in bus boom their farking music. I told Jacob we alight we diao them, see they ehsai not. Dn we alighted, Jacob diao them, they didnt saw him, I jitao knock on th bus window call them diam, Jacob pointed __ , one of th guy also point back. EHSAI siah, dont let me see them again. If not, hoho. Dn after that, met up with Aeron, kheeliang, kianyong, zhengli and slack-ed at bp. Dn saw xiaoderrick that bunch, talk-ed, crap-ed, and after that all went home. Woke up at 10am on saturday to go for tht CIP thing, what drug-free and smoke-free society, so contradicting. Dn met up with Marcus, Zhengli, pamela, all those and walked there. View the exhibits until 3pm, man, there was a bunch of CHIJ girls, all damn chio, actually wanted to take number, but my friends saw better not, cause its in the view of everyone there, dont make Bowen xiasway. ): Too bad. Went Selegie to eat tangyuan dn headed down to pool with daniel and benji. Pool-ed for awhile and waited for Jeff to meet me, dn head-ed back t sk t get myself change, dn halfway, dad returned, its spell trouble alr. It did not exceed far from my anticipation, my dad told me that I can only go out after he went out. WTF? Sorry to Jiajie and her friends, very sorry uh. Luckily my brothers dont go home that early, so went cp to find Jeff and Aeron, dn went to scrupture park to look for fran and her 3friends, slack-ed and talk-ed. Dn Sancai and yuhong and Siti joined us, and Jeff was happily playing with the girls until police came and spotcheck. -.- Neighbours complained I think, farking asshole siah. So we shifted place, and went t future park that playground dn 4 more joined us, edmund, one army guy, pui john and another of their friends. So played with the playground crap-ed, chatted and played till 6am plus dn all went home.
I'm sorry if I had hurt you, you know sometimes, such things cant be forced. The someone you like may not reciprocate back t you, and the someone that likes you may not get yours too. I'm quite confused over such things too. Right now, I think my role is to focus on my studies and quit thinking about all those stuffs. Maybe, I'm still in search for that special someone. Someday, I'm sure that someone would appear in my life. But, Im glad I have those bunch of brothers beside me, and for that, I'm truly contented. Ill cherish them no matter what.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

See th idiot pointing th middle finger? Spoilt my image. Wtf.

Illegal gambling. Children shldnt try this ok. [:

Expo Road show.

My company is SONY. [:

Ok, I sucks, he more handsome. X:
Well, I got no mood to post people, after hols alr, time to settle down on schoolworks. Pictures time, please enjoy evryone. Chinese O level in 2 more days, Good luck evryone. [:
weSIXhaveourownSTYLES. Justin.
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yes, its MESSY. [:

Messy gang
Bodyguards? Lol.
Hey people, so long since I blogged, did cha miss me? My hp is spoilt, anyone going to buy me a new one? ): Lets talk abt past few days, starting from Monday shall we? Met up with Iris & co and Irfan,fernandez and Ahzhou at Kovan. Dn went pool-ed,after that zhenyan met up with us and treat us t NEW YORK,thanks for the treat man. Evryone was happy I guess. Haha. 10 people altgt if not wrong, 7 left after pooling,and 3 more joined us. After that,went sk slacked,dn zhenyan went off 1st, followed by linting and her gf. After that, we decided to ton,called fran-cess-ka, the new girl I met on net, she was steady all right, and cute. So Aeron,Jen,Me and Fran met up at compass, dn went scrupture slacked. After that went bp t continue slacking, sehgor, alot things happen,and Fran was friendly uh. Haha. SO tueday, too tired to do anything, slept the whole day, mind you, WHOLE DAY. -.- So tdy is wednesday, or rather thursday. Met up with Aeron and kl at bp dn headed down t douby,went cineleisure straight and waited for Jeff there, Aeron got some tickets for free sponsored by sony,and me and Jeff was from Samsung, spies, haha. Played maple today out of boredoom and got a gf, she was cute, but its just a GAME. Dn got a girl's number, another cute one, tell me this aint true. MWHAHAHA. After movie, took some pics with Jeff and Aeron dn head down t 246, saw Joelson and YHH tht bunch, dn went 246 find Edmund and Jeff. And I know 2 girls today, one I know myself, another one is Fran introduced to me, thanks girl! Went home with Aeron and kl after tht, dn slacked with Aeron, talk abt some stuffs. Tmr meeting up with Jacob, hmm. Dn friday going out with Fernandez and co. Busy week I had dont I? Sorry to some if I have ignored, Hp spoilt, msn error, argh. My new piercing is damn pain, I gna have a new one at my ear. Ohwell people, its a long post. Enjoy it ? Thanks iris for helping me out.
Purple is my fav colour, remember it. School gonna reopen, Ill really focus when it reopens, trust me. Endure thy immense pain, thy god is with thee. Amen.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Been quite busy this few days,going to gym and working.Went Suntec Convention hall yesterday to set up the booth,and we were in charge of Samsumg.Reached there,saw the hall,it was really HUGE.One good thing about this work was,the place was air-conditioned.Quite alot of helpers there,let me name them out,Jeffrey,Edmund,Jerry,George,Joelson,Kopi,AhHuat and 2 more guy.Start work at 1pm,shifted all the tables,set th plasma tv-s on the tables,connect the wirings and etc,its a tough job,but I guess the pay was worth it.And this Sunday we are going there again to remove all those we had set up,&^#&$(#&*.Went t gym with Fernandez today,went YCK there,it's somewhat better than HG one.Gym-ed,dn Fernandez and me were like quarreling where should we go,argued for 15mins dn decided to go sk,so bus-ed down and went rp to eat.Bought cig after that,dn went bp to slack-ed,rot.And Fernandez captivated me with all those Jamming stuffs and whatsoever,it sounds fun,really pigues my curiousity.Acc-ed him t th busstop t wait for bus,dn I went home.Tmr will be slacking with fernandez and co. And I didnt meet my Ganstd for so long alr,kinda miss her. ):
Please,I'm tired of all these nonsense,give me a breather won't you?Wait till you define the words "Love" and "Like" then I guess you will understand me.Until now,finally I understood both the meaning,I guess you will someday. (: And I'm so pissed off by somebody's attitude,tit for tat,you will get from me someday,I promised you.nbcb.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Vodka & Breezer. Sorry peepos,been busy this few days,so don't have time to blog.Woke up at 7am tdy,dn went t school for 3h of Amaths,just imagine,3h of Amaths,argh.After tht went home changed,thought of going gym,dn lazy,so forget it,make it tmr.Ard 9pm +,Edmund pm-ed me asked me if I want t ton,dn I told him,only at sengkang area,dn I called Aeron down also.Met aeron at 1130+ pm,dn we slack-ed,chatted,dn went t buy cigs.And also Vodka and breezer,ok,this pic was boring,but we were bored.I found out tht,sengkang ard midnight still gt pretty girls walking ard,oh such a good place t be in manzxz.After Edmund finish his work,dn cab-ed down t find us,we help-ed him kup his taxi fare abit,dn slack-ed till 2am+ went Macdonald t have our supper.Slacked till 4am+,Aeron feigned stomachache,dn went home 1st,left me and Edmund.We talk-ed cock,crap-ed and do all sorts of Alibaba stuffs until 6am,pei him wait cab,dn went home myself.First time Edmund come down sk ton sia,rmb this day ok.Anw,thanks for all th tags and my loyal reader.I love you allll.And for now,evrything is going smoothly,just th right pace.Andand,O level is nearing too. (:
Friday, June 6, 2008
Kelvin's bday.Happy b'day dude.
They sure are enjoying th stuffs (:
Just see th food,its so much.
E1 & E2 peeps. (:
Gambling is illegal ok.Hey peepos,I'm very th high tdy.Woke up at 8+am,dn saw few msges,gt one for peggy,say wht APPLE IS PREGNANT,just imagine it,EARLY IN THE MORNING,replied hers dn chatted in msn.And today really rains,THANKYOU LA PEGGY. -.- Bus-ed down t Zx's hse tgt w Zy,dn waited for th bloody zx t finish his GE,dn waited for marcus after tht went down t Jiajia's hse at 11am+,I know we were late,so sorry. X: Met up with th rest at Bowen backgate busstop,11+ pple tgt.Bus-ed down t East Coast t have our picnic (: Reach-ed there found a suitable spot and set our mat,lay our th foods & drinks.Our drinks were little,but th sandwiches were like HUGEEE.Ahah,thanks t me.Some went cycling,dn left a few of us played daidi and ate th snacks.Th beach was nice,th scenery,breeze,argh,WONDERFUL (: Dn took Jiajia's dad car and went back my hse,thankyou JIAJIA.Went home bath-ed dn call-ed Aeron dn we joined Iris & co at rp mac there.Its kelvin's b'day,happy 13th bday dude.Bought th cake,dn went Jen's hse t "celebrate",we had an bday cake fiesta-THROW CAKES. -.- And Jen and Kelvin are th first 2 victim,dn I saw Iris's face I knew she was up t no good,she suddenly WHOOP,kena my shirt,dn WHOOP agn,kena my pants.ARSEHOLEEEEEEEEEE,its okay,I took my revenge.Had 30mins of cake fiesta after Iris left,dn hiong sia them,poor Jen,cake's cream all over.As for me,no good either.Argh,dn went Jen's hse t wash up,after tht went bp.Saw uncle from far,dn chatted with him abt paikia stuffs dn went home.I'm blogging as usual,and SPECIAL THANKS TO YONGLOONG FOR BEING MY LOYAL READER,WOO.Thanks t those who helped out in today picnic,arigato ok.And to Iris,cheer up allright,look on th BRIGHT SIDE and you will see a better path (: Will be fetching Jacob tmr,hope he comes back in One piece.Gnight peepos,and yes,enjoy th pics,you don't get t see them evryday. (:
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Argh,my phone bill burst like fcuk alr,peepos,if you wna find me,dont msg me alr.Tdy slept till 12pm,com-ed and watch-ed anime for 3h+,dn Jiajia called me,caused we organising a picnic.Dn We both damn busy,called alot of people t confirm this and tht,at last 13pple was confirmed,maybe more was coming,I dk.Dn meet Jiajia and Xinyi 6pm at bowen front gate busstop,mind you its BUSSTOP,and they waited for me at frontgate. -.- I was stupidly standing there for 15mins,dn Jiajia called,"Where you?" -.- Saw Girl guides when I walked along th pathway to frontgate,tdy campfire for Uniform grps,saw Pamela at th foyer,dn she was like waving so vigorously,lmao.Good luck t th guides for their campfire yea?Went shengsong supermarket t get our stuffs and etc,dn halfway Owen joined us,we crap-ed and joke-d,lol.And who say nerds dont go out,I DO OK!! (: Tmr picnic at eastcoast,called zhenyu and zhexing t help me with those stuffs,heavy man,tmr will be going Jiajia's hse t prepare those sandwiches,I'm excited,and pls be careful if Im preparing them,YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT I GNA PUT INSIDE,dead cockroaches maybe? (: Went home com-ed and watch-ed my anime,dn chatted with ******. C: Jacob will be back in 2 more days,and Fernandez is back tdy.I missed them man,and maybe will be meeting Debra t go shopping nextnext wk,she was so th HIGH. -.- And t xinhan,I'm Justin,not Justin-E or Justin NO E.Maybe will b going t Iris's class chalet on 17june or wht.And t zhenyan,I'm nt staying overnight,PLEASE!
Hey peepos,tdy sms-ed Iris they all,actually wanted go running,but th sky turned black,so sms-ed her bck tell her cancel,dn she told me at rp mac.After tht,th weather was good again,DUH.But then I lazy so asked them t slack instead,went home,bath-ed&chang-ed dn went bp slack with them.Jen,Iris,Zhenyan&co. came,dn Iris was so retarded,keep making IDIOT Jokes,Well,I told you,they were a cute bunch,and I also cnt help but laugh.ESP WHEN I LOOKED AT JENNIFER,lol.Joked and laugh-ed with them,dn halfway pester Aeron t buy cigs for us,and th idiot MARIA,ask her dont smoke still smoke.Beyond cure alr,dn slack-ed and laugh-ed with them,Edmund called me,ask-ed me go down vivo see cais,of course I AGREED.I called Jeff and he said he come find us after work,big Gbye t Iris & co. dn went home chang-ed.Bus-ed and mrt-ed down t vivo,dn went outside meet them.Vivo damn cold,got alot of cais siaa,OHGOSH,dn along th way,we joked alot sia,damn funny.And Jeff,edmund,Kianwei & me did smth very wrong,I shant say,heheheh.Went skypark after tht t smoke and talk-ed awhile,th scenery damn nice,but cant manage to take their pics,argh.Tdy morning hp v busy,till noon dn settle down,at night alot of msg-es came in also,busy replying.And Edmund,dont say wht,I finally intro you one girl alr ok.Be glad.Tell me,am I really falling for you,I hope not.HAHAHAHA.Like wht yl said,I gna PUMP IT UP MY MUSCLE!! :DweSIXhaveourownSTYLES.
Justin.It starts again.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I pon physics tdy,cause its damn sian.Dn went home bath-ed,took my stuffs,pester Aeron and kl t help me buy cig,kup tgt,AND I SUCEEDED,hehheh.Dn about 1pm+,I bus-ed down t gym,dn saw rick there,woot,he also gt come gym one.Enthu 2h gym,until my muscles start t complain,dn halfway Iris they all at outside,ask-ed them come in,all wear slippers,wtf. -.- Iris bunch gt,Iris and Jennifer,Zhenyan,Jennifer's brother and one girl.They said they want go swimming,so I told them I'll meet them there ltr.Inside th swimming pool,damn hot la,see th xiaochabors swim under such HOT WEATHER,siao.Dn I told jennifer,cnt run can swim huh?ZAI LA!Wait-ed for them t ballet finish in th swimming pool,dn went selegie soya bean shop t eat TANGYUAN,after tht went pool to pool,obvious?Slack-ed,went arcade see Iris and Jennifer dance th ParaPara,yawns,damn bored.After tht,went home,tmr gna exercise again,I KNOW IM MAD,but if I set my sight on smth,I'll gna do it.And 4more days before Jacob returns,and we gna fetch himm from t3.HAHAHAH,that's all peepos,Iris tht bunch were a fun one,but I still miss my bros,most of my bros if nt overseas jiu busy with exams,sian.One day,all our bros will gather up again,WOOOOOO.Pls tell me I'm maddd,and ohyes,IMMMMMMMM.Muscles~ Muscles,I want themmmmm. :DweSIXhaveourownSTYLES.Justin.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Ytd sleep damn long,dk why damn tired,dn Jeff called me ard 6pm+,asked me t go down Compass acc him walkwalk with Joelson,dn I bath-ed,chang-ed and walked down t compass,met him at 7eleven,dn we walk-ed.Compass damn cold,dn we went outside sit,dn sitsit awhile,saw 2 police officers keep looking at us,dn Jeff said,"Confirm tio check one." Dn we orh,take out IC,zhunbei,so fun manzxzx.True enough,they came and one of th police officers asked my bro,"Why you all sit here?" Dn I was like,"Here got put cnt sit eh? -.- " Dn my bro said,"Too cold ah sir,buay tahan,lydat also ai screen?" Dn th officer said,"No choice eh,doing our job." Screen finish,they looked at us and gave us a SMIRK,ninabei! Dn joelson asked th officers when they were going t walk away,"Sir,why screen us ah,there's still alot of grps elsewhre wht?" Th reply was,"Cause you 3 very suspicious." Ok wtf reason is that,do I looked suspicious at all?Man I look like a nerd all right, -.- Slack-ed and walked ard compass,dn about 830 I went home.Went home,com-ed awhile,chatt-ed online,dn went t zZz.This morning woke up,no strength at all,damn tired.Went t school,study as per normal,blahblah through, dn bell ring,I was so th EXCITED.Went t hg point with e1 peeps to have ROTI PRATA,I kept refilling th curry,deliciousss manzxzxz.Bon Voyage Jacob,pls come back in ONE PIECE ok,we will be fetching you on 7th JUNE.And for Jiajie,call me if there's anything.AND,I haven met alot of my Online friends,and brothers,Gans & Sisters.Really alot siaa,I miss themmmm.Last of all,thankyou DEBRA for "Tagging" in my blog yea? -.-weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.