Saturday, May 31, 2008
Woke up at 9am,met Aeron at bp,dn we bus-ed down t Jacob's house,saw th house,nt bad.Went in,saw th 2nd staircase,I'm like,wtf,SO STEEP?And I went up to his maid room,ohgosh,it was so cramp man,MAID ABUSE SIAA.Wait for Jacob t bath,make hair&doll up,its damn longgg.Went th saloon,actually wanted t extend,but then th shop like damn laoya,evrything also donthave,forget it,wasted trip.Bobian,booked appointment with kenny,I went t cut my hair,and Aeron rebonded his "grass".B4 tht we went hgmall slack,see pretty girls,ohgosh damn alot,esp th 2 in school U,heh.Dn chat with Lionel in hg mall arcade cause he worked there,waited for zl&hl t come and ky,dn head dwn t kenny there.After we cut finish,dn Aeron went t vivo,me,zl&hl went Kovan pool,called Jeff t join us,Jacob called me and joined us ltr also.Went pool played awhile,dn sit there damn sian,no mood dn me,zl&hl jiu head back home.Tdy damn boring,and sorry Ganstd,actually want meet you and see ur cute face,but last time cropped up,sorry Ganstd,i'll find one day ok.And Irsi,I got a lip piercingggggggg alr.Be jealous of me allright.Heh.Argh,I'll end here,my mood is low,awww. ): And oh,next friday maybe we will ton,beerrrrrr & cigggg. COOOLLL. weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Feeling much better tdy,1st lesson was physics,fking sian.Argh,I HATE PHYSICS.Sorry Jacob,for not asking you out,cause you said you were going shopping with ur mum.SORRY BRO,tmr we shall really meet ok.Reach-ed home online awhile,edmund pm-ed me,dn asked me cn slack-ed tdy,I told him cant,feeling sick,maybe sat we shall meet again.Tdy got lan meeting with zx,zy&mt,all are dota pros ok,dn halfway going t kovan,I saw my kheeliang at busstop,he offered me cig,dn i told him,"Nah,I'm cutting down."It's a promise to someone,and I'll make sure I do it.Lan-ed for 3hr,play-ed dota and cs,and I found out something,girls do play dota allright.CHERYL- Lol.Tmr shall go bugis and shop for my stuffs,thought of asking Ganstd over,but I feel mafan for her,so nvr asked her along.Wanted call some girls along,but ay,boy's shop better.Cause they are NOISY.Thought of rebonding my hair,it's so KWEEEUUU. X: And Jiehan bestfriend,inform me whre got th cheap-est TONGUE PIERCING OK.I WANT,find one day,we go find tgt.HAHAHAH.All right,I'm off peepos.Thanks for all th loyal reader,Arigato gozaimuz.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Ok,heeded th advice from,so I changed my fonts colour,dont complain alr laa,is it so troublesome to scroll up and down?Anata wa Baka!Feeling much better tdy,thanks for th panadol.The weather this few days had been rather weird,hot and cold all of a sudden.Pls takecare great care everyone,don't fall sick.And,today we have 3 session of Chemistry session,as usual,me & yl keep mixing different chemicals tgt,in hope of a NEW DISCOVERY.We 1st time tried CONCENTRATED acid,dn yl asked me if I dare put MAGNESIUM ribbon in it.MIND YOU,MAGNESIUM IS RATHER REACTIVE,I dont want to cause an EXPLOSION in the lab,I'm still younggg ok.Tdy during break,Mrs Iszal bought Mcmuffin set meal for us,man,she was great,and I ate Yl's share,thankyou bro.He was having STRICT DIETING,who knows anw?Muscular man.Received Jacob's msg after school,again,I can't make it,need t recuperate at home,SO SORRRYYY.Great that they both nothing alr,work hard dood.Crapp-ed with Jake Wang during break tdy,man,he was so popular among bowe-nians,keep it up man!Ohgosh,I want a lip piercing and a tongue piercing,lip I can do it myself,but tongue,argh,I don't dare t try.My friend said she wanted t help me,but ehhh,forget it,and shop is ex i heard.HOW? ): School's been miserable for me,cause of my flu,and sorry to those I keep taking tissues from.Arigato goizamuz.Pray hard I recover fast,there's plenty of cais for me to see eh,and I miss-ed my bros.Ton next week probably,I'm looking forward t it.And,I'm going t rest alr,Gnight peepos.Ask for my msn all right?lol.
weSIXhaveourownSTYLES. Justin.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
And so,I'm sick ): Tdy 1st period chemistry,dn me and yl damn comical,left few more mins,we keep anyhow mixed th chemicals dn got thick fumes of smoke pouring out,so FUN.Guess wht?We were scolded by Mrs NG,anw,it was funnn. :D Gt english prelim oral after tht,wasn't feeling v well,argh,dn i told Mrs Guna can I retake tmr,she asked me meet her tmr at 11am,well I guess this was better.Went home,dn halfway Jacob call me,asked if I can go bp slacked,very sorry bro,wasn't feeling v well.Next time ok?And thankyou my FRIEND for buying panadol and brought it t my hse,I love you laaaa.You know my hse don't have a single panadol,how sad? ): Hmm,I hope I can get well soon,dn help Jacob solve his prob.
To Jacob & Jiajie : Yes, Love doesn't have to be side by side, but do trust each other. It's not easy to find someone you like and likes you back. Cherish each other all right, don't because of a moment of folly, you go make the wrong decision. There's no problem cannot be solved, better if you both sort it out. And well, LISTEN TO ME YOU BOTH OK! All right,as promised,I have link-ed all of those who want me to link you.Tag me yea. :D
Monday, May 26, 2008
Today O level chinese,needa wake up on a monday morning,argh,still say holiday.NONSENSE.Anw,th O level paper was alot easier than Midyear one,thank god.After th test,went t 500+ to eat with e1 & e2 peeps,deliciousss laaaa. :D Dn eugenie jie call me go meet her at hougang,sorry Jie,next time all right?Hope you are feeling better.And shermine,cheer up ok,theres still one more try,DONT GAVE UP,just like th chinese compre tdy.Anw,actually wanted t go lan with zx tht bunch,but well,tmr gt school,so forget it.Dn halfway home,chiatlin called me,WAA I SUPER MISS HIM,he asked me abt th O level chinese,THANKS SENIORRR.Meet up someday,YOU MUST!Reach-ed home,online,dl stuffs,chat with friends.Hmm,I'm gna study hard.And SHE SPOILT MY MOOD TOTALLY. Thanks for those tagging my blog,if you want me t link you,pls leave ur links down ok.Its will be ENTERTAINED. :D
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Woke up ard 11plus ytd,dn looked at my hp,3misscall from zl,3 from aeron,2 from fer,few msgs from girls.Dn called all,and replied all,dn went t do my stuffs.Call jacob ard 2+ t cui him t faster,HE WAS NVR EARLY ALLRIGHT?Yea,dn sms-ed Iris & Debra,so long since I talked t debra alr,sorry bestfriend.Iris said she was baking cheesecake,I asked her was there any share for me,she said NO.^%*&** Go bang wall allright,next time slacked you get it.Met up with aeron,ky and jacob at bp,dn halfway walking t cp t find zl&hl,we saw them below my block,they said they alr saw us and waiting for us for 5mins.Received msg from tht girl who exercised and fall asleep suddenly.-.-Dn quarreled w zl till we song,bus-ed to changi airport.You know smth,when you take bus t there,Cisco police will come up t check,but th fact is,they just only walk-ed up and down.Dn I told zl,"EH IF YOU GOT BOMB FASTER SURRENDER OK!" lmao,he was like ORHORH.-.- Reached changi airport,walk-ed ard,see cais,ohgosh,plenty yeaaaa.Then went t mac t eat,after tht,my cousin came.Dn walk-ed ard changi,alot funny things happen.Jacob laugh till du zi tong,dn received msg from finn,heh,chatt-ed,dn she went eat.After tht bus-ed down t katong,dn my cousin lost his nokia express music phone,ohman,I wei ni xintong.): Went lan for 1h+ dn Aeron suddenly said,EH NO BUS ALR LEI HOW?Dn I was like,good timing you realised -.- Lucky,Jacob's dad fetch us t 80 busstop,if nt we will be sleeping on th streets at KATONG there.Reach-ed home,received sms from my friend,ask me help him do smth,somemore in th middle of th NIGHT.Forget it,friends help friends.Anw,today was fun,and sorry Jeff for nt picking up your calls,ton again someday allright.SORRY.My poor leg, ): I'm gna meet up all th girls during JUNE,cause they kept pestering me.Ohya,Congrats Jacob & Jiajie,last long allright. :D
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hmm,so long since I posted.This few days,been slacking with Jacob,and some girls at rivervale mac.Its so fun,eating,chatting & slacking, Life in paradise man.I shared many stuffs with Jacob,and he was so TINGHUA man.Ytd,slack-ed with Jacob and ky,dn Aeron came back to look for us awhile.Went to mac,and ohgosh,I saw 2cais,my pri school friends,but I did not make an effort to call them,they became prettier.Then,saw shirley with her friends,dn she pull my hands and say gt smth impt t tell me.Dn i told her,just stay away from that guy,he is just a boaster.Dn she orhorh,and asked me t meet her up asap,dn i okok.And sorry Iris,tht time say going running,but due to O level MT,cant make it,and also to yujuan and chinhwee.Yujuan sorry cant chat with you tht day uh,was v busy allright,find someday we go out tgt.And XiaoCrown,actually I wanted t meet her on saturday,cause she been feeling down,I told her,I going down Jurong,you no need come down find me.Dn she told me,dont want mafan me,v paiseh.Dn i told her smth tht made her change her mind.HEHEH.Nvm,we re-scheduled it to next week,cause this week will be a busy one.Today will be going out with Aeron,Kianyong,Jacob,Zhengli,Huilin,Fernandez and maybe 2 other friends t changi airport.At night will be having lotsa more activities,thought of calling down pretty girls,but ay,thought of it jiu sian,they damn noisy.Forget it.And long time since i talked t debra my bestfriend,Ill gna msg her ltr. :D To iris,we will slack again someday ok,with yicong they all and BALLOON.Thanks to those who ask me what happened,anw,its so long ago,THANKS ANW.If you asked me what was th one thing I nvr regret doing,then I would say to have made friends who are so caring ard me.And nt forgetting my BROTHERS.Um,going t be late alr.Post agn someday.To those who are taking th O level MT,GOODLUCK.
P.S I know you gna misss me, but can you don't force me to go for PROM NIGHT. ITS EXXX.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I'm really sorry.Although I didn't cried,but,I do feel this tinge of sadness,maybe I still love you.Went Changi airport with Aeron & Jiehan,thanks for cheering me up,but I'm fine.I thought about it yesterday night,and pondered over what my friend said,yes,maybe it's true,I shan't complicate anyone into my situation.It's not your problem,it's mine.I knew,the decision I've made was correct.And,thanks for those who stood by me yesterday,I'm perfectly fine now.Yes,you are right,maybe we weren't meant to be together.I'm quite contented of what I have now,my friends,my brothers & sisters,and cousins.I appreciate you all,maybe what you all said was right,Friends stay forever,Lovers seldom do.If given a chance,I rather be just a normal friend to you.Didnt went to school today,was feeling sick,THANKS TO THE MILO JIEHAN TREAT ME,and the cig aeron spared me.X: But,I do need it wht.-.-June holiday coming,I'm looking forward to it.And,takecare of yourself yea.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I love them, don't you ever snatch them awayyy.
That's the way we are.Somehow,aint feeling good this days.Went night-cycling alone ytd,halfway,alot of msg-es came,I know you all are good,I guess I'll be fine after someday.And sorry for not replying your msg-es.After that met waichong,and went to slacked with them at 111,they were a funny bunch of people.This morning,woke up at 10am,met up with zl,hl,fernandez,irfan,ahzhou & Jacob.And YES ITS THEM,I LOVE THEM ALLRIGHT?Thanks for making my mood better guys. :D And thanks dearrr too,I LOVE YOU LAA.Went kfc cause they wanted t eat,dn halfway,Irfan go mac take currysauce.-.- WTF,this is KFC ALLRIGHT?And do our crazy stuffs there,slacked awhile dn they head back amk.Dn went with Jacob,zl and hl t kovan,and met ky there to pool.Argh,the aircon is cold.Dn so qiao,saw waichong and galvin there.TELL YOU SOMETHING,I WON KY IN POOL.WOO.Then pool-ed till 9pm,went kovan ate our dinner,after that slack at the park there.Dn funny laa them.And hl and zl keeps PERFORM SIAA.OMG.Yea,tmr will be meeting em again.Cya tmr guys.:D
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Woke up at 10am,I don't know why,although I'm tired,but I can't seem to sleep more than 5h,maybe I am used to it?Check my handphone to see if there was anything msg-es,nvr saw her's,confirm sleeping one,she can sleep 12h.-.- After tht Aeron called me t meet,dn we meet at bp,called shirley t join us,and Jacob.Dn went rp mac slack.Halfway alot things happen,shant rake it up.The whole thing ruined my whole mood.F-U-C-K! Dn went Orchard,Lido cineplex and met
up with Aeron 2 friends, yijing and dk who.Watched th IRONMAN,nt bad,but not good either.Halfway through th movie,Aeron kept kicking us,cause we sat in front of him.@%$&@$.After tht,went back sk slack awhile,dn share MY ONCE UPON A TIME STORY with both of them,dn they were like HAHAHAHA.I knew I was a joker,lmao.X: Next friday will be ton-ning with shirley and Aeron again,pre-booking horh.Anyone interested?4 more days.Hmm.And June I gna make my hairrrrrrrr.WOOOOO. -.-weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Hey peepos,guess what?EXAMS ARE OVERRR.WOOOO.After school,met up with peggy and zl&hl,dn went sk slackk.Jacob came after that,he at bp wait for us,dn i ask him come my hse,i told him th block,dn he where where,i at basketball court,which block is urs.OMG LA,MY BLOCK IS DAMN BLOODY HUGE,retard.Dn slack at sk for a while,dn keep tio gunshots.WALAOOOO.Zl, hl and Jacob went kovan 1st, dn I cab-ed her homeee.In th cab v funny,got someone mistook her left for right.Arghh,nvmind.LOL,dn meet jeff and 246 and head down to kovan pool t pool.-.- Saw Jazvan,Ivan,Jerome,and alot la.Then th Jerome and ky bought th cue and glove.Majiam Maplestory de archer and crossbow man.I keep disiao them,"Eh, level up alr? " lmao. Went coffeeshop eat after tht,dn hl stomach pain,dn zl and her went home 1st.I followed jeff and jacob back to kovan pool,dn still see JAZVAN,JEROME,KY,IVAN.Buay sian one sia em.AND OH, I saw th twin brother also,HUIHANG & HUIZHE.They both looked damn alike,I l always mistook HUIHANG with HUIZHE.Met up with edmund and his friends,dn pool-ed till 11+,went t busstop with huihang.Then i told huihang,eh if next time you with ur bro,got enemy look for you,snatch the specs from huizhe dn wear it,let huizhe be th SCAPEGOAT.HEHEHEHEH.Tmr will be slackingg with aeron,fer,and irfan.Woo,great days ahead uh?I hope so.And 15MAY, hmmm.
To: Don't say about those stuffs alr, she is not worth you mentioning allright?No use thinking,only make you feel angry.So SMILEEE,and and,next time i need bring KELVAR VEST ALR,alot gunwounds siaa.Anw,have a good rest and sleep early.Dk who told me 10PLUS SLEEP ONE SIA.CHEATER!Arghh,nvmm.Xi Guan Ji Hao.weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Woke up at 9am,met Aeron at bp,dn we bus-ed down t Jacob's house,saw th house,nt bad.Went in,saw th 2nd staircase,I'm like,wtf,SO STEEP?And I went up to his maid room,ohgosh,it was so cramp man,MAID ABUSE SIAA.Wait for Jacob t bath,make hair&doll up,its damn longgg.Went th saloon,actually wanted t extend,but then th shop like damn laoya,evrything also donthave,forget it,wasted trip.Bobian,booked appointment with kenny,I went t cut my hair,and Aeron rebonded his "grass".B4 tht we went hgmall slack,see pretty girls,ohgosh damn alot,esp th 2 in school U,heh.Dn chat with Lionel in hg mall arcade cause he worked there,waited for zl&hl t come and ky,dn head dwn t kenny there.After we cut finish,dn Aeron went t vivo,me,zl&hl went Kovan pool,called Jeff t join us,Jacob called me and joined us ltr also.Went pool played awhile,dn sit there damn sian,no mood dn me,zl&hl jiu head back home.Tdy damn boring,and sorry Ganstd,actually want meet you and see ur cute face,but last time cropped up,sorry Ganstd,i'll find one day ok.And Irsi,I got a lip piercingggggggg alr.Be jealous of me allright.Heh.Argh,I'll end here,my mood is low,awww. ): And oh,next friday maybe we will ton,beerrrrrr & cigggg. COOOLLL. weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Feeling much better tdy,1st lesson was physics,fking sian.Argh,I HATE PHYSICS.Sorry Jacob,for not asking you out,cause you said you were going shopping with ur mum.SORRY BRO,tmr we shall really meet ok.Reach-ed home online awhile,edmund pm-ed me,dn asked me cn slack-ed tdy,I told him cant,feeling sick,maybe sat we shall meet again.Tdy got lan meeting with zx,zy&mt,all are dota pros ok,dn halfway going t kovan,I saw my kheeliang at busstop,he offered me cig,dn i told him,"Nah,I'm cutting down."It's a promise to someone,and I'll make sure I do it.Lan-ed for 3hr,play-ed dota and cs,and I found out something,girls do play dota allright.CHERYL- Lol.Tmr shall go bugis and shop for my stuffs,thought of asking Ganstd over,but I feel mafan for her,so nvr asked her along.Wanted call some girls along,but ay,boy's shop better.Cause they are NOISY.Thought of rebonding my hair,it's so KWEEEUUU. X: And Jiehan bestfriend,inform me whre got th cheap-est TONGUE PIERCING OK.I WANT,find one day,we go find tgt.HAHAHAH.All right,I'm off peepos.Thanks for all th loyal reader,Arigato gozaimuz.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Ok,heeded th advice from,so I changed my fonts colour,dont complain alr laa,is it so troublesome to scroll up and down?Anata wa Baka!Feeling much better tdy,thanks for th panadol.The weather this few days had been rather weird,hot and cold all of a sudden.Pls takecare great care everyone,don't fall sick.And,today we have 3 session of Chemistry session,as usual,me & yl keep mixing different chemicals tgt,in hope of a NEW DISCOVERY.We 1st time tried CONCENTRATED acid,dn yl asked me if I dare put MAGNESIUM ribbon in it.MIND YOU,MAGNESIUM IS RATHER REACTIVE,I dont want to cause an EXPLOSION in the lab,I'm still younggg ok.Tdy during break,Mrs Iszal bought Mcmuffin set meal for us,man,she was great,and I ate Yl's share,thankyou bro.He was having STRICT DIETING,who knows anw?Muscular man.Received Jacob's msg after school,again,I can't make it,need t recuperate at home,SO SORRRYYY.Great that they both nothing alr,work hard dood.Crapp-ed with Jake Wang during break tdy,man,he was so popular among bowe-nians,keep it up man!Ohgosh,I want a lip piercing and a tongue piercing,lip I can do it myself,but tongue,argh,I don't dare t try.My friend said she wanted t help me,but ehhh,forget it,and shop is ex i heard.HOW? ): School's been miserable for me,cause of my flu,and sorry to those I keep taking tissues from.Arigato goizamuz.Pray hard I recover fast,there's plenty of cais for me to see eh,and I miss-ed my bros.Ton next week probably,I'm looking forward t it.And,I'm going t rest alr,Gnight peepos.Ask for my msn all right?lol.
weSIXhaveourownSTYLES. Justin.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
And so,I'm sick ): Tdy 1st period chemistry,dn me and yl damn comical,left few more mins,we keep anyhow mixed th chemicals dn got thick fumes of smoke pouring out,so FUN.Guess wht?We were scolded by Mrs NG,anw,it was funnn. :D Gt english prelim oral after tht,wasn't feeling v well,argh,dn i told Mrs Guna can I retake tmr,she asked me meet her tmr at 11am,well I guess this was better.Went home,dn halfway Jacob call me,asked if I can go bp slacked,very sorry bro,wasn't feeling v well.Next time ok?And thankyou my FRIEND for buying panadol and brought it t my hse,I love you laaaa.You know my hse don't have a single panadol,how sad? ): Hmm,I hope I can get well soon,dn help Jacob solve his prob.
To Jacob & Jiajie : Yes, Love doesn't have to be side by side, but do trust each other. It's not easy to find someone you like and likes you back. Cherish each other all right, don't because of a moment of folly, you go make the wrong decision. There's no problem cannot be solved, better if you both sort it out. And well, LISTEN TO ME YOU BOTH OK! All right,as promised,I have link-ed all of those who want me to link you.Tag me yea. :D
Monday, May 26, 2008
Today O level chinese,needa wake up on a monday morning,argh,still say holiday.NONSENSE.Anw,th O level paper was alot easier than Midyear one,thank god.After th test,went t 500+ to eat with e1 & e2 peeps,deliciousss laaaa. :D Dn eugenie jie call me go meet her at hougang,sorry Jie,next time all right?Hope you are feeling better.And shermine,cheer up ok,theres still one more try,DONT GAVE UP,just like th chinese compre tdy.Anw,actually wanted t go lan with zx tht bunch,but well,tmr gt school,so forget it.Dn halfway home,chiatlin called me,WAA I SUPER MISS HIM,he asked me abt th O level chinese,THANKS SENIORRR.Meet up someday,YOU MUST!Reach-ed home,online,dl stuffs,chat with friends.Hmm,I'm gna study hard.And SHE SPOILT MY MOOD TOTALLY. Thanks for those tagging my blog,if you want me t link you,pls leave ur links down ok.Its will be ENTERTAINED. :D
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Woke up ard 11plus ytd,dn looked at my hp,3misscall from zl,3 from aeron,2 from fer,few msgs from girls.Dn called all,and replied all,dn went t do my stuffs.Call jacob ard 2+ t cui him t faster,HE WAS NVR EARLY ALLRIGHT?Yea,dn sms-ed Iris & Debra,so long since I talked t debra alr,sorry bestfriend.Iris said she was baking cheesecake,I asked her was there any share for me,she said NO.^%*&** Go bang wall allright,next time slacked you get it.Met up with aeron,ky and jacob at bp,dn halfway walking t cp t find zl&hl,we saw them below my block,they said they alr saw us and waiting for us for 5mins.Received msg from tht girl who exercised and fall asleep suddenly.-.-Dn quarreled w zl till we song,bus-ed to changi airport.You know smth,when you take bus t there,Cisco police will come up t check,but th fact is,they just only walk-ed up and down.Dn I told zl,"EH IF YOU GOT BOMB FASTER SURRENDER OK!" lmao,he was like ORHORH.-.- Reached changi airport,walk-ed ard,see cais,ohgosh,plenty yeaaaa.Then went t mac t eat,after tht,my cousin came.Dn walk-ed ard changi,alot funny things happen.Jacob laugh till du zi tong,dn received msg from finn,heh,chatt-ed,dn she went eat.After tht bus-ed down t katong,dn my cousin lost his nokia express music phone,ohman,I wei ni xintong.): Went lan for 1h+ dn Aeron suddenly said,EH NO BUS ALR LEI HOW?Dn I was like,good timing you realised -.- Lucky,Jacob's dad fetch us t 80 busstop,if nt we will be sleeping on th streets at KATONG there.Reach-ed home,received sms from my friend,ask me help him do smth,somemore in th middle of th NIGHT.Forget it,friends help friends.Anw,today was fun,and sorry Jeff for nt picking up your calls,ton again someday allright.SORRY.My poor leg, ): I'm gna meet up all th girls during JUNE,cause they kept pestering me.Ohya,Congrats Jacob & Jiajie,last long allright. :D
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hmm,so long since I posted.This few days,been slacking with Jacob,and some girls at rivervale mac.Its so fun,eating,chatting & slacking, Life in paradise man.I shared many stuffs with Jacob,and he was so TINGHUA man.Ytd,slack-ed with Jacob and ky,dn Aeron came back to look for us awhile.Went to mac,and ohgosh,I saw 2cais,my pri school friends,but I did not make an effort to call them,they became prettier.Then,saw shirley with her friends,dn she pull my hands and say gt smth impt t tell me.Dn i told her,just stay away from that guy,he is just a boaster.Dn she orhorh,and asked me t meet her up asap,dn i okok.And sorry Iris,tht time say going running,but due to O level MT,cant make it,and also to yujuan and chinhwee.Yujuan sorry cant chat with you tht day uh,was v busy allright,find someday we go out tgt.And XiaoCrown,actually I wanted t meet her on saturday,cause she been feeling down,I told her,I going down Jurong,you no need come down find me.Dn she told me,dont want mafan me,v paiseh.Dn i told her smth tht made her change her mind.HEHEH.Nvm,we re-scheduled it to next week,cause this week will be a busy one.Today will be going out with Aeron,Kianyong,Jacob,Zhengli,Huilin,Fernandez and maybe 2 other friends t changi airport.At night will be having lotsa more activities,thought of calling down pretty girls,but ay,thought of it jiu sian,they damn noisy.Forget it.And long time since i talked t debra my bestfriend,Ill gna msg her ltr. :D To iris,we will slack again someday ok,with yicong they all and BALLOON.Thanks to those who ask me what happened,anw,its so long ago,THANKS ANW.If you asked me what was th one thing I nvr regret doing,then I would say to have made friends who are so caring ard me.And nt forgetting my BROTHERS.Um,going t be late alr.Post agn someday.To those who are taking th O level MT,GOODLUCK.
P.S I know you gna misss me, but can you don't force me to go for PROM NIGHT. ITS EXXX.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I'm really sorry.Although I didn't cried,but,I do feel this tinge of sadness,maybe I still love you.Went Changi airport with Aeron & Jiehan,thanks for cheering me up,but I'm fine.I thought about it yesterday night,and pondered over what my friend said,yes,maybe it's true,I shan't complicate anyone into my situation.It's not your problem,it's mine.I knew,the decision I've made was correct.And,thanks for those who stood by me yesterday,I'm perfectly fine now.Yes,you are right,maybe we weren't meant to be together.I'm quite contented of what I have now,my friends,my brothers & sisters,and cousins.I appreciate you all,maybe what you all said was right,Friends stay forever,Lovers seldom do.If given a chance,I rather be just a normal friend to you.Didnt went to school today,was feeling sick,THANKS TO THE MILO JIEHAN TREAT ME,and the cig aeron spared me.X: But,I do need it wht.-.-June holiday coming,I'm looking forward to it.And,takecare of yourself yea.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I love them, don't you ever snatch them awayyy.
That's the way we are.Somehow,aint feeling good this days.Went night-cycling alone ytd,halfway,alot of msg-es came,I know you all are good,I guess I'll be fine after someday.And sorry for not replying your msg-es.After that met waichong,and went to slacked with them at 111,they were a funny bunch of people.This morning,woke up at 10am,met up with zl,hl,fernandez,irfan,ahzhou & Jacob.And YES ITS THEM,I LOVE THEM ALLRIGHT?Thanks for making my mood better guys. :D And thanks dearrr too,I LOVE YOU LAA.Went kfc cause they wanted t eat,dn halfway,Irfan go mac take currysauce.-.- WTF,this is KFC ALLRIGHT?And do our crazy stuffs there,slacked awhile dn they head back amk.Dn went with Jacob,zl and hl t kovan,and met ky there to pool.Argh,the aircon is cold.Dn so qiao,saw waichong and galvin there.TELL YOU SOMETHING,I WON KY IN POOL.WOO.Then pool-ed till 9pm,went kovan ate our dinner,after that slack at the park there.Dn funny laa them.And hl and zl keeps PERFORM SIAA.OMG.Yea,tmr will be meeting em again.Cya tmr guys.:D
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Woke up at 10am,I don't know why,although I'm tired,but I can't seem to sleep more than 5h,maybe I am used to it?Check my handphone to see if there was anything msg-es,nvr saw her's,confirm sleeping one,she can sleep 12h.-.- After tht Aeron called me t meet,dn we meet at bp,called shirley t join us,and Jacob.Dn went rp mac slack.Halfway alot things happen,shant rake it up.The whole thing ruined my whole mood.F-U-C-K! Dn went Orchard,Lido cineplex and met
up with Aeron 2 friends, yijing and dk who.Watched th IRONMAN,nt bad,but not good either.Halfway through th movie,Aeron kept kicking us,cause we sat in front of him.@%$&@$.After tht,went back sk slack awhile,dn share MY ONCE UPON A TIME STORY with both of them,dn they were like HAHAHAHA.I knew I was a joker,lmao.X: Next friday will be ton-ning with shirley and Aeron again,pre-booking horh.Anyone interested?4 more days.Hmm.And June I gna make my hairrrrrrrr.WOOOOO. -.-weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Hey peepos,guess what?EXAMS ARE OVERRR.WOOOO.After school,met up with peggy and zl&hl,dn went sk slackk.Jacob came after that,he at bp wait for us,dn i ask him come my hse,i told him th block,dn he where where,i at basketball court,which block is urs.OMG LA,MY BLOCK IS DAMN BLOODY HUGE,retard.Dn slack at sk for a while,dn keep tio gunshots.WALAOOOO.Zl, hl and Jacob went kovan 1st, dn I cab-ed her homeee.In th cab v funny,got someone mistook her left for right.Arghh,nvmind.LOL,dn meet jeff and 246 and head down to kovan pool t pool.-.- Saw Jazvan,Ivan,Jerome,and alot la.Then th Jerome and ky bought th cue and glove.Majiam Maplestory de archer and crossbow man.I keep disiao them,"Eh, level up alr? " lmao. Went coffeeshop eat after tht,dn hl stomach pain,dn zl and her went home 1st.I followed jeff and jacob back to kovan pool,dn still see JAZVAN,JEROME,KY,IVAN.Buay sian one sia em.AND OH, I saw th twin brother also,HUIHANG & HUIZHE.They both looked damn alike,I l always mistook HUIHANG with HUIZHE.Met up with edmund and his friends,dn pool-ed till 11+,went t busstop with huihang.Then i told huihang,eh if next time you with ur bro,got enemy look for you,snatch the specs from huizhe dn wear it,let huizhe be th SCAPEGOAT.HEHEHEHEH.Tmr will be slackingg with aeron,fer,and irfan.Woo,great days ahead uh?I hope so.And 15MAY, hmmm.
To: Don't say about those stuffs alr, she is not worth you mentioning allright?No use thinking,only make you feel angry.So SMILEEE,and and,next time i need bring KELVAR VEST ALR,alot gunwounds siaa.Anw,have a good rest and sleep early.Dk who told me 10PLUS SLEEP ONE SIA.CHEATER!Arghh,nvmm.Xi Guan Ji Hao.weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.