Sunday, March 23, 2008

For th sake of missongbeiqi, i decided to entertain HER. Arghh, i knw my blog
long been dead, so im trying to revive it now. Friday went for aeron's bdae
celebration, we gathered at 3pm at blk 114 there. Irfan, fer, aeron, me reached
1st followed by jeff, kenrick, kianyong & jacob, den meet sabrina at LRT there.
After that we went orchard walkwalk, hmm, eye-opener, hinthint. And meet
up w my biaoge and qiwei, den my ganstd and her friend. Hmm, den walkwalk,
went burgerking to eat, aftertht, ganstd went off first dhen we bus-ed down
to katong to play pool for 3 hr+, $40 plus for 2 table, ex siaa. Den after that
meet up w damian dhen we go geylang ton, damn suay sia tio screened,
wtf norh. After tht, damian went off 1st, den we slacked till 530 to wait for 1st
bus and all went home. Sat, meet up w aeron and gavin at 7pm and went kovan
PLAYPOOL agn, at th same time, also entertaining MSONGBEIQI laa. -.- Haa,
after that went rp's mac eat supper dn slacked till 4am den went home. Den
today, have to chiong hw and stuffs. Pardon my angmoh. LOOOOOL. :D
JUSTIN. Itsmyworldtonight.
Sunday, March 23, 2008

For th sake of missongbeiqi, i decided to entertain HER. Arghh, i knw my blog
long been dead, so im trying to revive it now. Friday went for aeron's bdae
celebration, we gathered at 3pm at blk 114 there. Irfan, fer, aeron, me reached
1st followed by jeff, kenrick, kianyong & jacob, den meet sabrina at LRT there.
After that we went orchard walkwalk, hmm, eye-opener, hinthint. And meet
up w my biaoge and qiwei, den my ganstd and her friend. Hmm, den walkwalk,
went burgerking to eat, aftertht, ganstd went off first dhen we bus-ed down
to katong to play pool for 3 hr+, $40 plus for 2 table, ex siaa. Den after that
meet up w damian dhen we go geylang ton, damn suay sia tio screened,
wtf norh. After tht, damian went off 1st, den we slacked till 530 to wait for 1st
bus and all went home. Sat, meet up w aeron and gavin at 7pm and went kovan
PLAYPOOL agn, at th same time, also entertaining MSONGBEIQI laa. -.- Haa,
after that went rp's mac eat supper dn slacked till 4am den went home. Den
today, have to chiong hw and stuffs. Pardon my angmoh. LOOOOOL. :D
JUSTIN. Itsmyworldtonight.