Thursday, July 26, 2007
eh.SYLVIA dun angry ler cans?aye.CHEER UP laas.=
oh yea.bros tmr ahs.go qaiqai.exams period really stress out no time post.[x Anw.tmr last day of exams,so cn slack
abit ler,but den next week is like still got exams also.sian 3/4.
ok lar.nothing else ler.oh yar.thnks for all the tags mei.
=DDDDDDDDD mwarkies!
Friday, July 20, 2007

Today nothing to post but cuz BDAE girl ask me post,so yea.
okaysokays.First of all,HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEARLYN.[[[[[x
right,wishing over whts next?hmms.ok,"HAPPY B'DAE to YOU X2
thnksthnks,ie knew ie could sing.==!
Eh,today nth special,went friend hse see PUPPY,wa,so cute cans?4
mths old,looks like furyBALL,lawls.But den,the puppy like so smeeely
can?eeyyerr.But tht RAMBO really very cute,run here run there(aiyo
puppy is like tht one maas.==!)Den at his house play coms lar,his house
like LANGAMING,food,plus drinks plus LODGING,which most LAN
doesnt have,is all FOC,wow,can imagine?
Thts bout all ler,tmr going MOVEE,andand exams really coming soon,
work hard know im loso.[[[[[[x
Thursday, July 19, 2007

lolololols.promise zhengli ie wont post.but.damn funny cans?
lemme shareshare.hahs.[x today skool,damn boring.5 period
ENGLISH,5 period MATHs,3 period CHEMISTRY,eh,will kisiao
one lea,dey.Den after skool,went cut hair w zhengli n ky,den meet
up w fer after tht coz he also wan cut his huge CHUNK of hair.
Today aunty happy,cuz,two people mah,so lesser noise but,ky makes
the most noise,know whye?cuz,"empty vessel makes the MOST NOISE!"
it makes sense right?XD ytd din post,coz very busy maas.sorry urhs.
andand hor,ie find out smth,WHYE ISZIT ME WHO POST AGN?nb!
and AHZHOU psk.kns!Whatevr den,and yes.SABmei,no point crying ler.
nothing is solve,no point ryte?smile.=DDDDD all right all right.tmr either
going amk hub or go fwen hse see DOGGY.woohoo~ exams round te corner,
evryone study hard cans?all the best.GOODLUCK guys ndd rawk on!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
lawls.this the one ie talking bout,but cnt see the HOLE hre.

If u all are wondering whye ytd tht post was gone,den you shld ask FER nnd
ZHOU wart happen!!RAWK!anw tofay dun feel like posting,butbut,due to
POPULAR DEMAND by evryone, decided to post.xDD ok lar.
ie noe ie BHB cans?x= okok.back to wht happen today.dou say ler.its blog mah.
Today actually gt oral de.But our MISSVICTORIA din come,so postpone lo.Heng haven prepare.Den bobian,go home lo.
Halfway,feeling so bored,called ky lo,den found out they w FER derr all,so went
find them at serangoon north der.Another reason is cuz ie wan cut hair,den went
the hairdresser many people siah,somemre GANGSTERS seh.
den wait until bout 4 plus,den went derr,still haven finish,wth!Den wait..ndd wait..
ndd wait..wait until hair grow long,so now no choice,really must cut.And yea.
GENTLEREMINDER,tmr ie think thre will have a HAIRCHECK,so good luck yea.
Finally,they all gone ler,den we went in.Den ky cut first,we like very buayzitong lar
the aunty so good,den we all mess w her equipments and all dose,lawls.Den play
ndd play,irfan sat down and said,"eh.who wan cut my hair,if nice ie pay u."Den now
gt show ler,playful FER go take the cut hair one and cut a BIGHOLE in irfah's HEAD.
craps lar.x= but,dno whye we all laugh like siao,cnt stop cuz he really look like
GOONDU. :D The whole place,like hell break lose siah,buay tahan,cnt blame lar.
Yeayea,thts bout it GUYs,and FER n ZHOU,rmr hor dun DELETE my post agn,
Sunday, July 15, 2007
(weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.#) so sad cans?sorry all my meis nnd gans.really no mood for wht happen ytd lar.
whye ie so ie finally sees who is my friends nnd whose not.
Btw,thanks all my meis,gans,and my brothers for all the concern shown,thanks man,mwarks!!:D Nnd YES,one more thing,thanks WENWEN for helping us create this BLOGGY,thanks girl,MWARKS~(from AHZHOU).
Yeayea.thts about it,thanks all my mei,ie din regret for keeping all of u all lar,dno how say it,just very happy cans?hahs.
Just hope ie wont tio suspension lar,all right den,thats bout it.
btw BROTHERS try to post can,dun ie ownself post lea,very sian der ue know?RAWK~
Saturday, July 14, 2007
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."
What a day? was a FUN day?urgghh.finefine.Let's talk about what happen.
The story goes like this....
The sun was bright,
The weather was fine,andand..MARY had a little lamb..X2..HEYHEY,lets continue can?xD
All rights All rights,sorrysorry.sheesh.xD
We were supposed to meet at AMK to celebrate irfah and his stead for their oneMONTH
sweetsweet relationship,waitwait,first of all,lemme wish them both a
LONGnndLASTING relationship,so sweet.
And so,we gathered at AMK derr(near FER house) as decided.While ie was waiting for them at the minimart,
IRFAN nnd AHZHOU arrived ndd meet up with me,den heard
FER was sick,went clinic to buy medicine,so we meet up with him near the CHONGBOON supermarket.When he came,ie saw the MEDICINE,and was like,OMGF!!SO MANY?!after tht,ie ndd FER went back his house,den
IRFAN went AHZHOU house to do our stuffs.
30 mins past,we gathered at block downstair nnd went AMKHUB.Reach there,den we waited for IRFAH stead,SABBY,lols.Den,my pone suddenly rang,>
KIANYONG calling<,NOT AGAIN?!okok,so picked up the pone."Harlow?yes?simi taichi?"ie said."LJ!you all at AMKHUB ryte? jio,ie saw you all lor,"came the reply."Uh?yesyes?yar whye?"ie said."Whre you all?nabei,"came the reply agn.[wth,so RUDE can?]"Eh,beside LEEHWAjewellery,"ie replied."Kk,you all dont move,ie coming now,"back the reply. Andand,saw ZHENGLI,KIANYONG,MARCUS,SOONBOON coming."Walao eh,ps sia."said KIANYONG."Whre got?"ie replied.And so,8 of us went outside,(as suggested by KIANYONG), to do the FUNTHING lar.xD Then after tht,ie "pei"
FER go buy drink cuz he says he got sorethroat,den ie followed lor.When we returned,the 4 of them,(ZHENGLI,KIANYONG,MARCUS,SOONBOON) went movie,then left we 5,(
SABRINA,ME,IRFAN,ZHOU,FER)waited for 86 to go back sengkang.Then reach derr,blahblahblah.
meet up with
AERON nnd KHEELIANG.Talktalktalk,blahblahblah,slackslackslack.etc.
and then we find a place near minimart derr do the FUNTHING agn lor.So sian can?
Den,talktalktalk,IRFAH disiao KL,den ie play my PSP.FER,AERON,SABBY ndd AHZHOU all laughing.(ie must admit lar,IRFAH was really FUNNY)lawls.Den,got two girls(probably 18's) asked us if we saw a golden retriever,cuz ie think they lost it bah.Den IRFAH said,"DOG ie never see lar,PIG here got one.(referring to KL,obvious).Lawls,den we were like,all laughing lar until cnt stop,cuz it was REALLY funny mah.The two girls at last bobian,walked away."lawls,we din meant it,sorry."So,talktalktalk,laughlaughlaugh,slackslackslack,time really flies,4 plus ler,den IRFAH stead said she wan go home,den we bid goodbye lo.Followed by tht,FER nnd AHZHOU also need go home liao,den bobian,MEETING dismissed lo.Send FER nnd AHZHOU to the 88 busstop,den wait for IRFAH to take his 372 back compasspoint,cuz he said he wan go grandma house.After everything ended,ME,KL,AERON went back to our home respectively.Sian,so sad can?ie went back home,changed,etc.and started on my revision.(was posting this b4 ie do my revision,ie so guaii can?)Home so sian,but nvm.Cuz lata going AMK agn to meet up with KIANYONG,ZHENGLI,AHZHOU,FERNANDEZ,woohhoo~ today can say,it was really a fun day lar.WOOHOO~xD
and once again.the story continues on the NEXTCHAP.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
eh.SYLVIA dun angry ler cans?aye.CHEER UP laas.=
oh yea.bros tmr ahs.go qaiqai.exams period really stress out no time post.[x Anw.tmr last day of exams,so cn slack
abit ler,but den next week is like still got exams also.sian 3/4.
ok lar.nothing else ler.oh yar.thnks for all the tags mei.
=DDDDDDDDD mwarkies!
Friday, July 20, 2007

Today nothing to post but cuz BDAE girl ask me post,so yea.
okaysokays.First of all,HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEARLYN.[[[[[x
right,wishing over whts next?hmms.ok,"HAPPY B'DAE to YOU X2
thnksthnks,ie knew ie could sing.==!
Eh,today nth special,went friend hse see PUPPY,wa,so cute cans?4
mths old,looks like furyBALL,lawls.But den,the puppy like so smeeely
can?eeyyerr.But tht RAMBO really very cute,run here run there(aiyo
puppy is like tht one maas.==!)Den at his house play coms lar,his house
like LANGAMING,food,plus drinks plus LODGING,which most LAN
doesnt have,is all FOC,wow,can imagine?
Thts bout all ler,tmr going MOVEE,andand exams really coming soon,
work hard know im loso.[[[[[[x
Thursday, July 19, 2007

lolololols.promise zhengli ie wont post.but.damn funny cans?
lemme shareshare.hahs.[x today skool,damn boring.5 period
ENGLISH,5 period MATHs,3 period CHEMISTRY,eh,will kisiao
one lea,dey.Den after skool,went cut hair w zhengli n ky,den meet
up w fer after tht coz he also wan cut his huge CHUNK of hair.
Today aunty happy,cuz,two people mah,so lesser noise but,ky makes
the most noise,know whye?cuz,"empty vessel makes the MOST NOISE!"
it makes sense right?XD ytd din post,coz very busy maas.sorry urhs.
andand hor,ie find out smth,WHYE ISZIT ME WHO POST AGN?nb!
and AHZHOU psk.kns!Whatevr den,and yes.SABmei,no point crying ler.
nothing is solve,no point ryte?smile.=DDDDD all right all right.tmr either
going amk hub or go fwen hse see DOGGY.woohoo~ exams round te corner,
evryone study hard cans?all the best.GOODLUCK guys ndd rawk on!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
lawls.this the one ie talking bout,but cnt see the HOLE hre.

If u all are wondering whye ytd tht post was gone,den you shld ask FER nnd
ZHOU wart happen!!RAWK!anw tofay dun feel like posting,butbut,due to
POPULAR DEMAND by evryone, decided to post.xDD ok lar.
ie noe ie BHB cans?x= okok.back to wht happen today.dou say ler.its blog mah.
Today actually gt oral de.But our MISSVICTORIA din come,so postpone lo.Heng haven prepare.Den bobian,go home lo.
Halfway,feeling so bored,called ky lo,den found out they w FER derr all,so went
find them at serangoon north der.Another reason is cuz ie wan cut hair,den went
the hairdresser many people siah,somemre GANGSTERS seh.
den wait until bout 4 plus,den went derr,still haven finish,wth!Den wait..ndd wait..
ndd wait..wait until hair grow long,so now no choice,really must cut.And yea.
GENTLEREMINDER,tmr ie think thre will have a HAIRCHECK,so good luck yea.
Finally,they all gone ler,den we went in.Den ky cut first,we like very buayzitong lar
the aunty so good,den we all mess w her equipments and all dose,lawls.Den play
ndd play,irfan sat down and said,"eh.who wan cut my hair,if nice ie pay u."Den now
gt show ler,playful FER go take the cut hair one and cut a BIGHOLE in irfah's HEAD.
craps lar.x= but,dno whye we all laugh like siao,cnt stop cuz he really look like
GOONDU. :D The whole place,like hell break lose siah,buay tahan,cnt blame lar.
Yeayea,thts bout it GUYs,and FER n ZHOU,rmr hor dun DELETE my post agn,
Sunday, July 15, 2007
(weSIXhaveourownSTYLES.#) so sad cans?sorry all my meis nnd gans.really no mood for wht happen ytd lar.
whye ie so ie finally sees who is my friends nnd whose not.
Btw,thanks all my meis,gans,and my brothers for all the concern shown,thanks man,mwarks!!:D Nnd YES,one more thing,thanks WENWEN for helping us create this BLOGGY,thanks girl,MWARKS~(from AHZHOU).
Yeayea.thts about it,thanks all my mei,ie din regret for keeping all of u all lar,dno how say it,just very happy cans?hahs.
Just hope ie wont tio suspension lar,all right den,thats bout it.
btw BROTHERS try to post can,dun ie ownself post lea,very sian der ue know?RAWK~
Saturday, July 14, 2007
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."
What a day? was a FUN day?urgghh.finefine.Let's talk about what happen.
The story goes like this....
The sun was bright,
The weather was fine,andand..MARY had a little lamb..X2..HEYHEY,lets continue can?xD
All rights All rights,sorrysorry.sheesh.xD
We were supposed to meet at AMK to celebrate irfah and his stead for their oneMONTH
sweetsweet relationship,waitwait,first of all,lemme wish them both a
LONGnndLASTING relationship,so sweet.
And so,we gathered at AMK derr(near FER house) as decided.While ie was waiting for them at the minimart,
IRFAN nnd AHZHOU arrived ndd meet up with me,den heard
FER was sick,went clinic to buy medicine,so we meet up with him near the CHONGBOON supermarket.When he came,ie saw the MEDICINE,and was like,OMGF!!SO MANY?!after tht,ie ndd FER went back his house,den
IRFAN went AHZHOU house to do our stuffs.
30 mins past,we gathered at block downstair nnd went AMKHUB.Reach there,den we waited for IRFAH stead,SABBY,lols.Den,my pone suddenly rang,>
KIANYONG calling<,NOT AGAIN?!okok,so picked up the pone."Harlow?yes?simi taichi?"ie said."LJ!you all at AMKHUB ryte? jio,ie saw you all lor,"came the reply."Uh?yesyes?yar whye?"ie said."Whre you all?nabei,"came the reply agn.[wth,so RUDE can?]"Eh,beside LEEHWAjewellery,"ie replied."Kk,you all dont move,ie coming now,"back the reply. Andand,saw ZHENGLI,KIANYONG,MARCUS,SOONBOON coming."Walao eh,ps sia."said KIANYONG."Whre got?"ie replied.And so,8 of us went outside,(as suggested by KIANYONG), to do the FUNTHING lar.xD Then after tht,ie "pei"
FER go buy drink cuz he says he got sorethroat,den ie followed lor.When we returned,the 4 of them,(ZHENGLI,KIANYONG,MARCUS,SOONBOON) went movie,then left we 5,(
SABRINA,ME,IRFAN,ZHOU,FER)waited for 86 to go back sengkang.Then reach derr,blahblahblah.
meet up with
AERON nnd KHEELIANG.Talktalktalk,blahblahblah,slackslackslack.etc.
and then we find a place near minimart derr do the FUNTHING agn lor.So sian can?
Den,talktalktalk,IRFAH disiao KL,den ie play my PSP.FER,AERON,SABBY ndd AHZHOU all laughing.(ie must admit lar,IRFAH was really FUNNY)lawls.Den,got two girls(probably 18's) asked us if we saw a golden retriever,cuz ie think they lost it bah.Den IRFAH said,"DOG ie never see lar,PIG here got one.(referring to KL,obvious).Lawls,den we were like,all laughing lar until cnt stop,cuz it was REALLY funny mah.The two girls at last bobian,walked away."lawls,we din meant it,sorry."So,talktalktalk,laughlaughlaugh,slackslackslack,time really flies,4 plus ler,den IRFAH stead said she wan go home,den we bid goodbye lo.Followed by tht,FER nnd AHZHOU also need go home liao,den bobian,MEETING dismissed lo.Send FER nnd AHZHOU to the 88 busstop,den wait for IRFAH to take his 372 back compasspoint,cuz he said he wan go grandma house.After everything ended,ME,KL,AERON went back to our home respectively.Sian,so sad can?ie went back home,changed,etc.and started on my revision.(was posting this b4 ie do my revision,ie so guaii can?)Home so sian,but nvm.Cuz lata going AMK agn to meet up with KIANYONG,ZHENGLI,AHZHOU,FERNANDEZ,woohhoo~ today can say,it was really a fun day lar.WOOHOO~xD
and once again.the story continues on the NEXTCHAP.